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Client Testimonials

  • Christina: Retreat Guest

    Divina's retreat could not have been guided to me at a better time! I felt lost, hopeless and uninspired. My soul just knew I needed this experience, not only to grow personally and emotionally, but also to explore bali, as it's been my dream to visit for 10 years. Her retreat made this happen ❤️

    From start to end, Divina was super helpful, from giving us all the information that we asked for and needed before travelling, to providing us with support and guidance while on the retreat. Anything we wanted or needeed, she would be there in a heartbeat!

    There were 5 other ladies from all over the world who were also on this retreat. When I tell you, we INSTANTLY connected and it was the best experience ever. We shared our most vulnerable truths with eachother in our workshops (there was no pressure to do this though), which allowed us all to support and bond with eachother.

    The week was a perfect balance of exploring Bali and doing the inner work. Don't expect to do a lot of resting on this retreat. If you love adventure and wish to make the most out of your week in Bali, this is definitely for you.

    Some of my fav parts of this retreat were:

    ● Mauy Thai

    ● Monkey Forest

    ● Spending the day at Nusa Penida

    ● Breathwork workshop!

    ● Having a smoothie bowl at Kynd and getting the best massage at Bodyworks 😍

    Our workshops were intense but so heart warming and well NEEDED. I did not realise how much I wasn't facing until I started opening up and completing our little assignments! The inner child healing, breaking negative belief workshops have really given me the tools to proceed with working on myself. I'm super grateful for all the techniques and guidance that I received from Divina herself and all the other beautiful workshops hosts.

    The retreat set me in the right direction of healing my past 🙏 I've come a LONG way emotionally and mentally since.

    The retreat and the ladies I met while on the retreat will always have a special place in my heart.

    So yh, basically, DO IT. If you were guided here, it IS meant to be 🤎

  • Erin: Retreat Guest

    I always thought of myself as resilient and believed I was strong in my perseverance. I’ve survived multiple traumatic incidents in my lifetime. But in reality, surviving was all I was doing. I had realized I was just going through the motions tending to my responsibilities.

    I felt like there had to be more to living. I had hit a wall and lost my zest for life.

    Desperate to find some way to revive myself, I found Divina on TikTok of all places. Her passion and optimism gave me the courage to reach out to her. She immediately responded. I had many questions she happily answered. The universe clearly knew I needed to be a part of her vision.

    I took a chance on Divina and 4 women who were complete strangers to me. We chatted in the months prior to the retreat and helped each other in preparation for our journey together.

    I had fears about being the oldest. Being the only mother. I had anxiety about “fitting in” or having anything in common with these beautiful young ladies.

    The moment I arrived and met Divina and these ladies we immediately aligned. We each had individual experiences and stories that benefited the journey and healing.

    This was the best decision I’ve ever made for myself. Taking a chance has brought me a sisterhood and a sense of peace in my heart that’s life changing.

    I am privileged and blessed to have been a part of Divina’s FIRST Inner Child Healing Retreat.

  • Abbie: Coaching Client

    This girl has literally made this work around me. She’s made herself so available and flexible and has been the dreamiest accountability partner.

    There’s been no feeling of pressure, just pure accountability like “I’m here for you, you’ve got this!”

    The things she’s made me work through, the things she’s introduced me to have helped me snowball into the next version of myself.

    Divina’s come into my life, she’s simplified it, she’s broken it down and she’s given me so many resources to amplify and enhance myself.

    To then just genuinely have the feeling of friendship with her as well. She’s just so approachable, she’s just been the nicest, genuine soul to work with. There is no level of intimidation with her. She is on your level.

    She is here to help you, she is here to guide you, and she is here to support you. She’s allowed me to connect the dots of what I want to come next.

  • Michelle: Coaching Client

    Back in Sept 2021, Divina gave me the opportunity to work with her on my negative relationship with money.

    I did her Money Mindset Makeover, it helped me immensely to shift my negative mindset. Divina gave me mindset strategies and various pieces of mindful work to implement a positive mindset.

    Divina is a great teacher, she’s friendly, approachable, kind, caring, and really knows her stuff. I would definitely recommend working with Divina.

  • Norma: Coaching Client

    Your words and advice had such a huge impact on my life.

    I’m now experiencing a lot of love for myself, treating myself, being kind to myself, loving Norma for who she is, and even loving my curls!

    You helped me find it within myself.

    I’m so grateful and happy!!!

    Thank you so much!!

  • Cath: Retreat Guest

    My letter to Bali,

    You were a dream I didn’t realize I needed.

    This girl didn’t realize before coming to you how lost, hurt, broken, confused, and lonely she truly was. I never expected how this week would go….I had an idea in my head - this will recenter me and be a bit of meditation. I was wrong…. You were so much more than my mind could have comprehended.

    Sitting on the sofa waiting anxiously for these 5 women to begin to share their stories had my heart racing but the moment Divina smiled I found myself looking around at these other women and a feeling of warmth and safety came over me. Asking myself why me, why have I been given this opportunity to be here and to share this experience with these amazing women suddenly left my mind, I knew the universe brought us together for a reason and these beautiful souls were going to become my friends ….. little did I know they’d become my sisters!

    From a young age, I’ve always been different, a wild imagination full of ideas and creations but I think as I grew up my light was dulled more than I realized, people would say she’s away with the fairies, trouble but although I had the most amazing supportive family that I could not explain my love for … this environment was killing me. The inner child workshop made me realize how my younger self just needed a hug from me.

    When we done the meditation I could feel warmth, movement was slow and the beat of a heart… I realized I was visualizing myself in my mother’s womb… she’s safe and protected more than ever then my vision shifted and suddenly I’m standing there in a field of rushes (known as the sand dunes at home) and I can see her…. she’s only about 6/7 blonde hair in a half up half down style with a big smile and bright hazel eyes….she’s pure and happy as she comes over to me my arms open and I hold her close, our hearts beat the same! I know what’s to come and I hold her face and I say “we will be fine”. I wish I could take the pain and teach her the life lessons I now know but I can’t that’s not how it works she’s going to do this alone. But I know she’s resilient

    This workshop was painful but it was a workshop I didn’t know I needed. Tears and laughter made this day so special! Our workshop came to an end with a fun exercise on our limiting beliefs… when I think of the words I wrote on my body…. My eyes fill with water - this girl I see every day staring back at me is so beautiful inside and out and it amazes me why have I allowed these limiting beliefs. This exercise will stand out as one of the most liberating exercises I will ever do in my life. Holding my sister’s hands and jumping into that pool to wash all the bullshit away brings a smile to my face every time I think of it.

    The week was full of amazing workshops hosted by Divina and other amazing people that helped me uncover so much about who I was and why I work the way I do.

    Our breath workshop opened my soul, it showed me the void I’ve been trying to fill and what guides and protects me. I am a fierce empathetic woman and that’s my superpower. Being reborn in the beautiful Balinese waterfall and discovering I am of star energy and how I need to protect my femininity was truly an experience I can’t put into words but it shifted my reality.

    Learning about my human design gave me answers that all of a sudden my cute quirks and chaotic spontaneous idea suddenly all made sense, I’m not for everyone but for the ones I am for it’s a connection that’s unbreakable. Our reiki-infused yoga allowed me to share a moment with my angels and the message that was given to me made to this day still resonates.

    Another workshop that I was extremely nervous for was our sacred sex workshop. I had my power taken from me and this was a chance to regain that and take back what was mine. I realized the love I needed was not from any man or any community penis… it was from me.

    Me and me alone ! For so long I was unsure of what was worse … the shock of what had happened or the ache I’ve had since… But the answer is the worse part is I didn’t have self love. This workshop allowed me the space to get all the hurt out. The only person I needed to love me … is me!

    I received the same message every day while in Bali- boundaries! I have implemented so many changes and have found since enforcing boundaries which was the one message that was being drilled into me is definitely working for me! I have less heartache and headaches because I’m putting myself first and these boundaries are for my protection.

    The excursions we went on brought so much joy to my soul. We laughed so much my cheeks hurt, we swam, we ate, we drank, we danced, we sang and we cried! From one woman being attacked by monkeys to another getting Bali belly (that was me). We shared so much fun together.

    I did not realize that I needed to lose who I was to find out who I am! I lost myself for so long trying to please this idea of who I should be.

    What I shared during this retreat with my sisters, I had never before shared with anyone and I am so grateful to everyone one of those beautiful women for being there and making me feel loved. Starting with 5 strangers that quickly became 5 sisters and with each one of these 5 individually I have found they fuel me in a way I didn’t know I needed. A small village girl from Ireland with a fire that had gone out left this Bali retreat with a fire burning so bright no one was going to attempt to put it out.

    Now 3 months later I still have days but I have the tools to understand & change the outcome. I have 5 beautiful women I can turn to if any of us need it and most importantly I can place my hand on my heart and breathe.

    I can’t recommend Divina’s retreats enough. Bali is a magical place and it has so much to give you and if you feel it in your bones that momma Bali is calling …. Don’t ignore the call!

    To my beautiful sisters Divina, Tina, Ana, Emma & my momma bear Erin, Thank you!

    Thank you for holding the space and allowing me to be me. Holding your arms open and squeezing them tight around me and my soul. I love you all so much and I am honored to call you a sister. We are not connected by blood but we are connected by energy. Through the good and bad, with patience and support for each other! Cheering from the sidelines as we each follow our paths and live our lives 💕

    Thank you Divina, for bringing your dream to life and giving me the opportunity to be one of your first 5! The world needs more women like you. You are a special kind of human ❤️

    To you the girl reading this, do this for you! You deserve the chance. Follow that pull and trust the universe has your back.

    I love you Bali 🖤